Share capital amounts to HRK 595.458.500,00 and is divided into 5.954.585 ordinary registered shares, each of a nominal amount of HRK 100, registered with Central Clearing and Depositary Company JSC in dematerialised form under the ticker SUKC-R-A and ISIN HRSUKCRA0001. The share capital has been fully paid-up.
All shares are of the same ranking and each provides (i) a right to one vote; (ii) a right to distribution of dividend and (iii) all other rights in accordance with Croatian law.
Sunce hotels d.d. has not issued any preferential shares or debt securities.
The Andabak family, i.e. Mr. Jako Andabak together with affiliated parties, have since the Company’s incorporation in 2004, held a majority position within the Company. Mr. Jako Andabak directly holds the majority shareholding and voting rights in the shareholder LUCIDUS d.d. Additionally, Mr. Jako Andabak and affiliated parties are the founders of the company SUNCE ULAGANJA d.o.o.
Institutional investors have become significant minority shareholders of the Company by its listing on the Regulated market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange in June 2017 and the share capital increase by means of a cash contribution in September 2017.
Under Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, a percentage of shares distributed to the public does not include shares held by the issuer (treasury shares) or shares held by persons controlling more than 5% of the total number of shares, with the exception of shares held on common custody accounts and shares held by pension funds.
Changes in ownership of shares of Sunce hotels d.d. are handled by Central Clearing and Depositary Company JSC, on whose web pages an updated list of top ten of the company’s shareholders may be found.
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