Share your amazing Bluesun moments and win a summer vacation! All things good and magical always happen on vacation. Sun, sea, a tan, delicious Mediterranean food – it doesn’t get much better than that? We would love to put together your amazing moments and turn them into lasting memories.

How to participate?

Record a compilation of videos or photos (a reel), showing the Bluesun Hotel where you are staying and your vacation. After that, share one or more reels on your public Instagram profile and tag us with @bluesun_hotels. Below the post, write a brief impression of your stay with the hashtag #bluesunreels.

What does the prize include?

The prize includes a free summer vacation for two people at the Bluesun Hotel in 2024, as chosen by the winner, and 5 overnight stays with rich breakfast and dinner included.

Duration and announcement of winners

The duration of the contest is from 14 July to 16 October 2023, and the winner will be announced on 17 October 2023. May the best reel win. Good luck!

Ottakaa yhteyttä saadaksenne teille räätälöidyn tarjouksen

Missä vietätte lomanne?

Bol, Bračin saari

Brela, Makarska Riviera

Tučepi, Makarska Riviera


Kaikki kohteet

Milloin tulette Bluesuniin?

Kenen kanssa tulette Bluesuniin?




Yksin Aikuiset

Kenen kanssa tulette Bluesuniin?


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