Children's pools and playrooms, a rich animation program, meals and drinks included in the price and a great discount; take your children on a vacation they will remember forever. We are waiting for you in selected Bluesun family Hotels in Dalmatia.

Your children will also love these Hotels:

Additional discount for longer stays

For all stays of 2 to 3 nights, we treat you with an additional 5%, and for stays of 4 or more nights, with an additional 10% discount.

Free dinners for all reservations

We treat you to free dinners throughout your stay in Bluesun Hotels Marina, Elaphusa and Holiday Village Afrodita! A rich buffet with Dalmatian specialties, prepared from fresh local ingredients, awaits you in our Hotels. You can read terms of the offer HERE.

Ottakaa yhteyttä saadaksenne teille räätälöidyn tarjouksen

Missä vietätte lomanne?

Bol, Bračin saari

Brela, Makarska Riviera

Tučepi, Makarska Riviera


Kaikki kohteet

Milloin tulette Bluesuniin?

Kenen kanssa tulette Bluesuniin?




Yksin Aikuiset

Kenen kanssa tulette Bluesuniin?


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