As the sun warms our beaches and the waves gently lap at them, the days grow longer. Do you hear the call of summer? Greet it back and let yourself daydream of a cold cocktail in a sun lounger by the pool, of the refreshing touch of the sea, and of the gourmet delights of the Mediterranean.

Choose your accommodation by the sea

We have prepared a special offer for your unforgettable vacation in a beach hotel:

Bol, Brač island

Brela, Makarska Riviera

Tučepi, Makarska Riviera


*26 July - 4 August 2024, Classic and Standard rooms

Ottakaa yhteyttä saadaksenne teille räätälöidyn tarjouksen

Missä vietätte lomanne?

Bol, Bračin saari

Brela, Makarska Riviera

Tučepi, Makarska Riviera


Kaikki kohteet

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Kenen kanssa tulette Bluesuniin?




Yksin Aikuiset

Kenen kanssa tulette Bluesuniin?


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