First minute vacation on the Adriatic

Tartózkodás időtartama
H | K | Sze | Cs | P | Szo | V |
H | K | Sze | Cs | P | Szo | V |
H | K | Sze | Cs | P | Szo | V |
H | K | Sze | Cs | P | Szo | V |
Create the best family memories, enjoy the romantic seaside vacation or experience the true feeling of luxury. Ensure an additional 5% discount for 2–3 nights or 10% for 4 or more nights.Take advantage of all the benefits of the First Minute offer and book your next vacation in Dalmatia now.
Up to 25% discount
Free cancellation
Children stay for free
Tartalmazza a reggelit
Úti célok
Szolgáltatások típusai
Free dinners are valid for all new reservations during the periods of stay:
Free one-way transfer or free round-trip transfer is valid for all new reservations during the following periods of stay:
Free one-way transfer or 50% discount on round-trip transfer is valid for all new reservations during the following periods of stay:
Minimum stay is 5 nights.
Deposit payment in the amount of 10% of the total reservation value is required if the reservation is made for 4 or more rooms:
The deposit must be paid no later than 30 days before arrival at the property. If the arrival is within 30 days of making the reservation, the deposit must be paid immediately. In case of cancellation or no-show at the hotel, regardless of the reservation terms, the deposit is non-refundable.
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Adja meg az e-mail címét, ahol elküldhetjük Önnek a kiválasztott dátumokra vonatkozó speciális árkalkulációt, beleértve az aktuális kedvezményeket is