Bluesun Rewards Loyalty Program - FAQ

Tartózkodás időtartama
H | K | Sze | Cs | P | Szo | V |
H | K | Sze | Cs | P | Szo | V |
H | K | Sze | Cs | P | Szo | V |
H | K | Sze | Cs | P | Szo | V |
After you have accumulated the required number of overnight stays in Bluesun, you can use the rights and benefits from the Bluesun Rewards program during your next accommodation reservation.
Benefits may be used only by registered members of the loyalty program.
You may not have more than one account.
If within three years you do not manage to accumulate enough overnight stays to upgrade to a higher level of membership, your status is reset to previous level and the overnight stays are recorded from the beginning. This does not apply to Platinum members.
Discounts do not add up.
If your personal information changes, please notify us of the change so that you can continue to use the benefits of your membership level.
You can use the benefits of the loyalty program exclusively by making a direct reservation through the Bluesun website or the Reservation Center.
Adja meg a szükséges adatokat, és hamarosan felvesszük Önnel a kapcsolatot.
Adja meg az e-mail címét, ahol elküldhetjük Önnek a kiválasztott dátumokra vonatkozó speciális árkalkulációt, beleértve az aktuális kedvezményeket is