"Think globally, act locally" has been the guiding principle of Blueusun for many years. Therefore, we sponsored one of the most popular Croatian art festivals, Graffiti on the grill in Bol on the island of Brač this year as well.

Art event near Bluesun Hotel Elaphusa

This street art festival celebrated its 10th birthday on 29 and 30 July 2022. After having spent two years in a pandemic, it was a real pleasure to finally sit back and just enjoy and completely relax. Workshops, new graffiti, and excellent evening concerts were a recipe for quality entertainment this year as well.

The diligent organizers held two activities in cooperation with Bluesun. One was the painting of foils stretched between the trees of the grove near the Bluesun Hotel Elaphusa, and the second was a sketch battle, where the youngest participants showed us their skills in sketching graffiti with a Bluesun motif.


The festival also sparked the interest of our guests, who are now richer for the great experience of this local festival. This is a confirmation that every Bluesun support for the development of destination events and young artists is a step in the right direction; we will continue to do so in the coming years.

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Bol, ön Brač

Brela, Makarska Riviera

Tučepi, Makarska Riviera


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