1 June 2022

At the beginning of May, all epidemiological restrictions on entry into Croatia were lifted. COVID certificates are no longer required, whether you come from the EU / EEA or third countries.

Tthere is no obligation to wear masks in public places anymore. The exceptions are health and social care institutions, such as hospitals.

Taking into account the health of our guests, employees and business partners, and in cooperation with experts, we have prepared measures for the operation of our hotels in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you want to be tested, contact the reception.

Conditions of return

All persons older than 12 years and two months are required to register via the website. Registration of a fully vaccinated person and a person who has recovered from COVID-19 is valid for 6 months.

Exempt from the obligation of self-quarantine and testing are fully vaccinated persons and persons who have recovered from COVID-19, which is proven by EU COVID certificates or national certificates.

A fully vaccinated person is:

  • a person vaccinated with a vaccine administered in two doses, if at least 14 days and not more than 9 months have passed since the second dose
  • a person vaccinated with a vaccine administered in one dose, if at least 21 days and not more than 9 months have passed since the vaccination
  • a person who has had COVID-19 and has been vaccinated with the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and at least 14 days have passed since the first dose, if the first dose was received within 180 days of recovery and no more than 9 months have passed since vaccination

A person who recovered from COVID-19 is considered to be a person who recovered from COVID-19 no more than 180 days ago.

Other persons older than 12 years and 2 months are required to self-quarantine, which ends after the 5th day of self-quarantine in case the person has no symptoms of the disease, or after a negative RT-PCR test for COVID-19, in which case testing can be done upon entering Slovakia.

Kontaktujte nás ohľadom personalizovanej ponuky

Kde budete tráviť dovolenku?

Bol, ostrov Brač

Brela, Makarska Riviera

Tučepi, Makarska Riviera


Všetky destinácie

Kedy prídete do Bluesunu?

Koho privediete do Bluesun?





Koho privediete do Bluesun?


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